Rohendel is essentially the elf continent of lost ark. There are beautiful lakes and lush forested areas, while the gorgeous villages are colorful and full of fairies and sparkles. But don’t let your guard down, this is a difficult area. And the tome is certainly no pushover here, either.
There are some tough cooking recipes from previous continents, but Rohendel is upping the ante. You need to have completed several levels of several Una tasks, maxed your ratio with an NPC, and probably the hardest one needs you to take down the world boss Magmadon – maybe multiple times if you’re not lucky. This chapter of Adventurer’s Tome is not for the faint-hearted. But if you’re trying to complete it, we’ve got all the details below.
Ether Essence – Breezesome Brae Cooking Recipe
To complete this recipe, you must first have completed the Wailing Wind quest (from Water Keeper Orelda), which is a main story section located in Breezesome Brae. When completed, this will open up a quest from Una called Mischievous Fairy (also in Breezesome Brae). You will then need to complete it to reputation level two, as it will then give you the Magical Fermentation Boost ingredient reward.
Once you have the Boost, you can simply purchase the Azure Energy Concentrate you also need from Eiza in Rohun for 205,000 Silver. Finally, take the two ingredients to cook Ailara who will craft Ether Essence for 3,100 silver. The two NPCs can be found in the building at the far west of the town, next to the artisan’s forest triport.
Jelly Chew – Shiverwave Lake Cooking Recipe
You need to collect three ingredients to craft the Jelly Chew, all of which you’ll find scattered around the Shiverwave Lake area – and, for a rare change, without having to pay for them. Start at the Dock Triport and enter the blue portal on the west side of this circular platform. You will spawn on a small floating island. Head to its eastern side, where you’ll see a tree branch sticking up in the air just south of a large rock. Investigate here to find Chew Jelly.
Now go to the Fairy Settlement triport and go through the arch on the northeast side, then up the tree trunk on the other side of the river. At the top, head north through the shallow water and climb the vines to the top of the cliff on the other side. Continue northeast at the top, up the muddy slope and immediately turn right at the top. Here, before the wooden bridge going east, you will find the Chew Chew Jelly.
Finally, jump to Sylvain Settlement’s triport. Head up the steps northwest and then left at the T-junction where they are working on the water elementals. Turn right at the next crossroads, up the long set of stairs heading northwest. Go straight through the crossroads and keep going up, go right on the platform at the top and make the jump northeast. You’ll find the Chew Chew Chew Jelly in the vegetable patch to the right of the farm gate.
Now that you have the ingredients, go to the Artisan Forest Triport in Rohun. Go a little north and enter the building where you will find Cook Ailara. She’ll turn your three jellies into the Jelly Chew you crave for just 1,600 silver.
Pit-a-Pat Macaroon – Wandering Merchant Cooking Recipe
This one is relatively simple – as long as you’re rich in cash and can find the NPC you need to shop with. You’ll need 150,000 silver to buy the Pit-a-Pat macaron, and that’s only available for sale at the traveling merchant of Rohendel.
As on the other Lost Ark continents, Wandering Merchant Aricer spawns for 25 minutes at one of five scheduled locations (times are AM and PM):
- Shiverwave Lake:NE of the Fairy Settlement Triport, up the cliff near the tree on the floating island.
- Lotus Lake glass: South of the Foehn Plains Triport with the other merchants.
- windy brae: Head southwest from Fairy Village, then north on Dandelion Hill.
- Xeneela Ruins: Directly north of the contaminated village triport.
- Elzowin’s Shadow: In the northwest corner of West Knurlroot Forest.
The times Aricer appears are 12:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.. All locations are very close to a triport, so it’s simple to move between them as long as you have enough money. Once in your inventory, simply right-click to add it to your Adventurer’s Tome.
Snail Roll Cake – Cooking Recipe Report
To complete this recipe, you will first need to become Trusted by Rapport NPC Orelda in Flowstream Village in the Glass Lotus Lake area. Orelda will give you her secret cake recipe as a final gift – not too difficult, as his Rapport levels are relatively easy to work with compared to some.
You also need to collect 200 Magick Snails from the Shadowed Earth and Forest areas of Elzowin’s Shade. Each time you find one, you’ll get one to five (normally one) random snails, so it’s going to take you a while. They always breed in the same places, some of which are safer than others. There is a safe place near the mokoko seed and the view of the valley and the waterfall, for example. Or you can roam the area fighting as you go.
Once you have the ingredients, take them to Cook Ailara in Rohun. She will craft a Magick Albinosnail (1,600 silver coins) from the first 100 snails; then use it, the other 100 snails, and the secret cake recipe to make the snail cake you so badly desire for 3,100 silver.
Honey-Sweetened Butterbeer – Rothun Cooking Recipe
Travel to the Artisan’s Forest Triport in Rothun and enter the building just north of it, which houses both the Cooking Ingredient Merchant Eiza and the Cook Ailara. First, talk to Eiza to get your ingredients. You will need three Honey Butters (5,000 Silver) and one Beer (10,000 Silver) to craft Honey Butter Beer. However, there’s only a chance that when you do, you’ll end up with the “sweet” Honey Butterbeer you need for your Adventurer’s Tome.
Take the ingredients to Ailara and she will brew them for 2,500 silver per glass. We got ours on the second try, and general reports suggest the odds aren’t too bad of getting the sweet version. If you haven’t finished all of your mokoko seeds around Rohendel, be aware that you need a normal Honey Butterbeer to access several of them. A failure is therefore not a disaster. Also note that if you drink a beer, you will have the tankard left in your inventory – which you can have filled by the cook without having to repurchase the ingredients, and at a reduced cost of 700 silver coins.
Tooki Tooki Soup – Breezesome Brae Cooking Recipe
To get anywhere here, you must have completed Una’s task, “Repair the Seal Site” seven times, which will then unlock another of Una’s quests – The Reconstruction of Xeneela. When you complete this to reward level three, you’ll get the mana-infused soup you need.
You can now head to Breezesome Brae and defeat the Lost Tooki (northeast of the Breezesome Brae Triport in Verdure Plains, and on the eastern edge of Windy Hill, just before the southern path to Pier Valley). You must defeat this creature until you have farmed a captured Tooki’s tears. It’s a rare drop of a rare creature, which appears to spawn in the other location when defeated – so have your patient head on. Finally, take these two ingredients to Cook Ailara in Rohun, who will cook you Tooki Tooki Soup for 3,200 silver.
Zechbas – Rohendel cooking recipe
You must first collect four ingredients to craft Sparkling Elemental Food. Hopefully you only need one of each ingredient, but save any extras if you find any:
- Purified Lotus Flower Water: Examine some lotus flowers southwest of Glass Lotus Lake. Head west from the Flowstream Village Triport and take the path that heads southwest.
- Contaminated First Elemental: Go to the contaminated village triport in the ruins of Xeneela, walk a little northeast and look for places where you can investigate.
- Contaminated Second Elemental: This is random Rohendel creature loot. The best drop rates come from elite (shiny) mobs, but anything can drop one.
- Contaminated Third Elemental Food: This drops when you defeat the world boss Magmadon south of Xeneela Ruins.
Take these four ingredients to Cook Ailara in Rothun, who can make you Sparkling Elemental Food for 2,500 silver. When you right click it in your inventory, it has a “high chance” of turning into the Zechbas you need for your tome. But if not, I’m afraid you need to collect the ingredients.