RED BLUFF – To celebrate the first anniversary of the Rock and Brews restaurant at Rolling Hills Casino, founders Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley, members of the rock band Kiss, hosted a get-together on Friday to commemorate the hard work of staff and the casino during the first year of activity.
The founders were unable to attend the restaurant’s initial opening in 2021 due to COVID-19, so this is the first time Simmons and Stanley have been able to acknowledge the venue’s opening.
“It means a lot to us as we’ve been through a year of real turmoil. This pandemic has been horrendous,” Stanley said. ‘coming. You have not seen anything yet. We are going to make this something that all the other tribes across the country will want to be a part of and we are honored to be your guests.
Tribal Chairman Dru Alejandre greeted the musicians to a room filled with grateful tribesmen from the Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians, owners of the casino.
“Thank you for joining us today as we enter our one year anniversary and I couldn’t be more proud of what we have here and what we have built with the tribe and casino staff and of course , the Rock and Brews team,” says Alexander. “Not only are Rock and Brews successful, but they’ve been more than willing to share that with us as a tribe and with many tribes across Indian Country, so we’re eternally grateful.”
Stanley and Simmons were greeted with a personalized rock and roll cake and after a bit of trouble cutting the cake, applause erupted in celebration of the birthday.
Despite a tumultuous first year of business, the restaurant has enjoyed unwavering support from the community and is proving to be a success.
“Despite a pandemic, this community pulled together to make Rolling Hills Casino a big, big success and although you never expected to hear it, we and the Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians had an amazing synergy” , said Stanley. “Having us work together has really proven to be something very special and the success speaks for itself.”
Simmons and Stanley stressed that it was important for them to partner with casinos so they could give back to native communities by sourcing food locally and bringing cash flows to the tribe as well as the casinos.
For the first time ever, the local Paskenta brewery has been incorporated into the restaurant and is not only functional, but also profitable for the tribe and the community, as well as being a centerpiece, Stanley said.
With the success of the brewery, the founders plan to continue the partnership with other local breweries at future locations.
“It’s really important to us that people understand that charity is not an option,” Simmons said. “Everyone has a duty to give back and this is our opportunity.”
Rock and Brews has 21 locations with seven more slated to open later this year.